Barbara Thomson

Since 2021, Thomson has done work for the City of Philadelphia’s Federal Grant Program for Asylum seekers from Texas including writing federal grant applications for emergency humanitarian relief funding, ensuring compliance with state and federal rules and regulations related to funding the City’s Office of Immigrant Affairs, and researching and monitoring rapidly changing regulations pertaining to rights of asylum seekers and services provided. She has also accepted Criminal Court appointments from Municipal Court Judges, and represented clients in three criminal trials, and represented a tenant in Landlord-Tenant Court.  She has served as a Law Clerk for Municipal Court Judge Thomas Gehret since 2021, and worked as counsel on election law challenges to nomination petitions.   From 2001 to 2020 she provided legal and public policy advice and services to federal, state and local governments and transit agencies to ensure compliance with local, state, and federal laws and regulations. Most of her work involved transit agencies such as SEPTA and MTA.