Philly15th is your local connection to the Democratic Party
Whether you grew up in Philly or are new to the neighborhood - you deserve to understand how local politics impact you and your community.
Philadelphia has 66 political divisions, called wards. Wards are the size of one or a couple of neighborhoods.
Each ward contains divisions. A division is an area that is as small as a few blocks and is home to no more than 1,200 voters. Philadelphia has over 1,600 divisions.
Each division is represented by two Democratic committee people.
Each Ward has a Ward Leader, who is elected by the committee people in the Ward.
A committee person is the most local representative of the Democratic Party in Philadelphia.
We run in primary elections and need 10 signatures to get on the ballot. We serve four year terms.
Because our divisions are typically pretty small (a few blocks and a few hundred voters), you’ll see us around, hear from us about elections, be able to voice your interests and concerns to us about the Democratic Party, and work with us to help elect Democrats.
Help you register to vote & vote by mail
Inform you about: upcoming elections; endorsed candidates; ways to get involved
Listen to your views on: candidates/endorsements; the Democratic City Committee; and Democratic elected officials
Connect with you regarding constituent services issues
Get out the vote